О нас- Наша сила - сотрудничество

Мы считаем, что наша сила заключается в нашем совместном подходе, что ставит наших клиентов в центр всего, что мы делаем.

Работаем с 1997 года и входим в топ-5 веб-студий России.

сайтов разработано
лет опыта работы

Our culture- Balance your passion with your passion for life.

We are a group of like-minded people who share the same core values.

  • Loyalty. Our team has been with us since the beginning because none of them are allowed to have LinkedIn profiles.
  • Trust. We don’t care when our team works just as long as they are working every waking second.
  • Compassion. You never know what someone is going through at home and we make sure to never find out.


  • Александра Лесли

    Соучредитель / Генеральный директор

  • Роман Винсент

    Менеджер новых проектов


  • Валерия Маркова

    HR менеджер

  • Emma Dorsey

    Senior Designer

  • Leonard Krasner

    VP, User Experience

  • Blake Reid

    Junior Copywriter

  • Kathryn Murphy

    VP, Human Resources

  • Whitney Francis

    Content Specialist

  • Jeffrey Webb

    Account Coordinator

  • Benjamin Russel

    Senior Developer

  • Angela Fisher

    Front-end Developer

From the blog

Our team of experienced designers and developers has just one thing on their mind; working on your ideas to draw a smile on the face of your users worldwide. From conducting Brand Sprints to UX Design.

The Future of Web Development: Our Predictions for 2023

Let’s explore the latest trends in web development, and regurgitate some predictions we read on X for how they will shape the industry in the coming year.

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3 Lessons We Learned Going Back to the Office

Earlier this year we made the bold decision to make everyone come back to the office full-time after two years working from a dressing table in the corner of their bedroom.

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